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CEE Course Listing

CEE Course Listing
Hours & Credits
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CEE 2804Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering3H, 3CFall, SpringNo
CEE 2814Geomatics3H, 3L, 4CFall, SpringNo
CEE 2834Civil Engineering Drawings and Virtual Modeling3H, 3CFall, SpringNo
CEE 3014Construction Management3H, 3CFall, SpringNo
CEE 3104Introduction to Environmental Engineering3H, 3CFall, SpringNo
CEE 3274Introduction to Land Development Design3H, 3CFall, SpringNo
CEE 3304Fluid Mechanics for CEE3H, 2L, 4CFall, SpringNo
CEE 3314Water Resources Engineering3H, 2L, 4CFall, SpringNo
CEE 3404Introduction to Structural Engineering3H, 3CFall, SpringNo
CEE 3424Reinforced Concrete Structures I3H, 3CFall, SpringNo
CEE 3434Design of Steel Structures I3H, 2L, 4CFall, SpringNo
CEE 3514Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering3H, 2L, 4CFall, SpringNo
CEE 3604Introduction to Transportation Engineering3H, 3CFall, SpringNo
CEE 3684Civil Engineering Materials3H, 2L, 4CFall, SpringNo
CEE 3804Computer Applications in CEE3H, 3CFall, SpringNo
CEE 3814Analytical Tools in Civil and Environmental Engineering3H, 3CFall, SpringNo
CEE 3954Bridges, Builders & Society3H, 3CFall, SpringNo
CEE 4014Estimating, Production and Cost Engineering3H, 3CFall, SpringNo
CEE 4024Construction Control Techniques3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 4034Smart Sustainable Infrastructure3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 4074Construction Means & Methods3H, 3CFall, SpringNo
CEE 4104Water and Wastewater Treatment Design3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 4114Fundamentals of Public Health Engineering3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 4134Environmental Sustainability - A Systems Approach3C, 3HSpringNo
CEE 4144Air Resources Engineering3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 4264Sustainable Land Development3H; 3CFall, SpringNo
CEE 4274Land Development Design3H, 3CFall, SpringNo
CEE 4284Advanced Land Development Design3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 4304Hydrology3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 4314Groundwater Resources3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 4334Hydraulic Structures3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 4344Water Resources Planning3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 4384Introduction to Coastal Engineering3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 4394Urban Water Sustainability3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 4404Intermediate Analysis of Structures3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 4454Masonry Structural Design3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 4534Earth Pressures and Foundation Structures3H, 3CFall, SpringNo
CEE 4544Design of Earth Structures3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 4554Natural Disaster Mitigation and Recovery3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 4564Intro. to Coastal and Marine Geotechnics3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 4604Traffic Engineering3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 4610Mechanics of Composite Materials3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 4614Concrete Materials3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 4624Planning Transportation Facilities3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 4634Infrastructure Condition Assessment3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 4654Geometric Design of Highways3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 4664Pavement Design3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 4674Airport Planning and Design3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 4684Transportation Safety3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 4694Freight Operations3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 4804Professional and Legal Issues in Civil Engineering3H, 3CFall, SpringNo
CEE 4824Introduction to Forensic Engineering3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 4844Building Information Modeling and Integrated Practices3H, 3CSpringNo
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CEE 5004Adaptive Reuse and Redevelopment3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5014Facility Delivery & Financing3H, 3CFallYes
CEE 5020Infrastructure Policy3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5024Contract Administration and Claims Resolutions3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5034Smart Sustainable Infrastructure3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5054Estimating and Cost Engineering3H, 3CNo
CEE 5060Blt Env Info Modeling & Procng3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5074Global Virtual Design and Construction3FallNo
CEE 5080Infrastructure Asset Management3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5084Information Technology for Infrastructure and Environmental Systems3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5100Stormwater Treatment3H, 3CNo
CEE 5104Environmental Chemistry3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5114Advanced Sustainable Systems3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5125Environmental Engineering Design I3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5126Environmental Engineering Design II3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5130Turbulence and Turbulent Flows3H, 3CNo
CEE 5134Engineering Aspects of Water Quality3H, 3CNo
CEE 5144Unit Operations and Processes Laboratory1H, 6L, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5150Atmospheric Chemistry3H, 3CNo
CEE 5154Air Pollution Transport and Chemistry3H, 3CNo
CEE 5164Environmental Biotechnology3H, 3CNo
CEE 5174Applied Analytics for Environmental Science and Civil Engineering3H, 3CNo
CEE 5184Techniques for Environmental Analysis3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5194Environmental Engineering Microbiology2H, 3L, 3CFallNo
CEE 5204GIS Applications in CEE3H, 3CFallYes
CEE 5244Advanced GIS in Hydrologic Analysis2H, 3L, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5254Advanced Municipal Engineering3H, 3CNo
CEE 5264Sustainable Land Development3H, 3CFall, SpringNo
CEE 5264GAdvanced Air Resources Engineering3H, 3CFallYes
CEE 5274Land Development Design Projects3H, 3CFall, SpringNo
CEE 5304Environmental Fluid Mechanics3H, 3CSpringYes
CEE 5314River Mechanics and Sediment Transport3H, 3CNo
CEE 5334Quantitative Hydrology3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5344Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction3H, 3CNo
CEE 5354Numerical Modeling of Groundwater Flow and Transport3H, 3CNo
CEE 5374Dynamics of Groundwater3H, 3CNo
CEE 5384Advanced Open Channel Flow3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5390Advanced Urban Water Sustainability3H, 3CSpringYes
CEE 5400Design of Prestressed Concrete3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5404Structural Wind Engineering3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5410Intermediate Reinforced Concrete Structures3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5414Finite Element Analysis of Structures3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5420Computer Methods of Structural Analysis3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5430Intermediate Design of Steel Buildings3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5440Instrumentation and Signal Processing for Civil Engineering Application3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5444Stability of Structures3H, 3CNo
CEE 5450Forensic Structural Engineering3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5454Blast Resistant Design of Structures3H, 3CNo
CEE 5464Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5470Structural Design for Seismic Load Effects3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5474Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design3H, 3CNo
CEE 5484Concrete Microstructure3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5490Structural Mechanics3H, 3CNo
CEE 5500Numerical Methods in Geotechnics3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5504Risk Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5510Thermal and Energy Geotechnics3H, 3CNo
CEE 5514Soil Behavior3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5524Advanced Soil Testing for Engineering Purposes1H, 6L, 3CFallNo
CEE 5534Foundation Engineering I3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5544Foundation Engineering II3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5554Soil and Site Improvement3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5564Seepage and Earth Structures3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5584Geotechnical Aspects of Earthquake Engineering3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5600Transportation Systems Analysis3H, 3CFallYes
CEE 5604Traffic Characteristics and Flow3H, 3L, 3CFallNo
CEE 5610Advanced Mechanics of Composite Materials3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5614Analysis of Air Transportation Systems3H, 3CSpringYes
CEE 5624Transportation and Land Use3H, 3CSpringYes
CEE 5640Highway Transportation Safety3H, 3CSpringYes
CEE 5650Freight Operations and Planning3H, 3CNo
CEE 5654Critical Issues in Transportation3H, 3C ONLINESpringYes
CEE 5664Advanced Concrete Materials3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 5694Traffic signal system operation and control3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5704Drinking Water and Health3H, 3CNo
CEE 5714Surface Water Quality Modeling2H, 2L, 3CNo
CEE 5724Environmental Monitoring and Sampling3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5734Urban Hydrology and Stormwater Management3H, 3CNo
CEE 5744Topics in Structural Steel Design3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5764Asphalt Technology2H, 3L, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5784Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure3H, 3CYes
CEE 5794Environmental Engineering Principles3H, 3CFallYes
CEE 5804Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Public Policy3H, 3CFallYes
CEE 5814Structure-Sediment Interaction in the Coastal Zone3H, 3CNo
CEE 5844Wave Mechanics3H, 3CNo
CEE 5854GAdvanced Coastal Engineering3H, 3CSpringNo
CEE 5864Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics3H, 3CNo
CEE 5874Coastal and Marine Geotechnics3H, 3CNo
CEE 5884Legal Aspects of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering3H, 3CNo
CEE 5974Independent StudyVariable credit course.Fall, SpringNo
CEE 5994Research and ThesisVariable credit course.FallNo
CEE 6104Advanced Environmental Chemistry2H, 2CNo
CEE 6114Advanced Topics in Air Quality Engineering1H, 1C (P/F Only)No
CEE 6414Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis for Solids and Structures3H, 3CNo
CEE 6424Advanced Prestressed Concrete3H, 3CFallNo
CEE 6434Advanced Steel Design3H, 3CNo
CEE 6504Theoretical Soil Mechanics3H, 3CNo
CEE 6514Dynamics Soil and Foundations3H, 3CNo
CEE 6844Current Topics in Coastal Engineering3H, 3CNo