CEE 5004 | Adaptive Reuse and Redevelopment | 3H, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5014 | Facility Delivery & Financing | 3H, 3C | Fall | Yes | |
CEE 5020 | Infrastructure Policy | 3H, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5024 | Contract Administration and Claims Resolutions | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5034 | Smart Sustainable Infrastructure | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5054 | Estimating and Cost Engineering | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5060 | Blt Env Info Modeling & Procng | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5074 | Global Virtual Design and Construction | 3 | Fall | No | |
CEE 5080 | Infrastructure Asset Management | 3H, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5084 | Information Technology for Infrastructure and Environmental Systems | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5100 | Stormwater Treatment | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5104 | Environmental Chemistry | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5114 | Advanced Sustainable Systems | 3H, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5125 | Environmental Engineering Design I | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5126 | Environmental Engineering Design II | 3H, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5130 | Turbulence and Turbulent Flows | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5134 | Engineering Aspects of Water Quality | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5144 | Unit Operations and Processes Laboratory | 1H, 6L, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5150 | Atmospheric Chemistry | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5154 | Air Pollution Transport and Chemistry | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5164 | Environmental Biotechnology | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5174 | Applied Analytics for Environmental Science and Civil Engineering | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5184 | Techniques for Environmental Analysis | 3H, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5194 | Environmental Engineering Microbiology | 2H, 3L, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5204 | GIS Applications in CEE | 3H, 3C | Fall | Yes | |
CEE 5244 | Advanced GIS in Hydrologic Analysis | 2H, 3L, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5254 | Advanced Municipal Engineering | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5264 | Sustainable Land Development | 3H, 3C | Fall, Spring | No | |
CEE 5264G | Advanced Air Resources Engineering | 3H, 3C | Fall | Yes | |
CEE 5274 | Land Development Design Projects | 3H, 3C | Fall, Spring | No | |
CEE 5304 | Environmental Fluid Mechanics | 3H, 3C | Spring | Yes | |
CEE 5314 | River Mechanics and Sediment Transport | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5334 | Quantitative Hydrology | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5344 | Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5354 | Numerical Modeling of Groundwater Flow and Transport | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5374 | Dynamics of Groundwater | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5384 | Advanced Open Channel Flow | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5390 | Advanced Urban Water Sustainability | 3H, 3C | Spring | Yes | |
CEE 5400 | Design of Prestressed Concrete | 3H, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5404 | Structural Wind Engineering | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5410 | Intermediate Reinforced Concrete Structures | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5414 | Finite Element Analysis of Structures | 3H, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5420 | Computer Methods of Structural Analysis | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5430 | Intermediate Design of Steel Buildings | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5440 | Instrumentation and Signal Processing for Civil Engineering Application | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5444 | Stability of Structures | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5450 | Forensic Structural Engineering | 3H, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5454 | Blast Resistant Design of Structures | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5464 | Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering | 3H, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5470 | Structural Design for Seismic Load Effects | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5474 | Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5484 | Concrete Microstructure | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5490 | Structural Mechanics | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5500 | Numerical Methods in Geotechnics | 3H, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5504 | Risk Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5510 | Thermal and Energy Geotechnics | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5514 | Soil Behavior | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5524 | Advanced Soil Testing for Engineering Purposes | 1H, 6L, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5534 | Foundation Engineering I | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5544 | Foundation Engineering II | 3H, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5554 | Soil and Site Improvement | 3H, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5564 | Seepage and Earth Structures | 3H, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5584 | Geotechnical Aspects of Earthquake Engineering | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5600 | Transportation Systems Analysis | 3H, 3C | Fall | Yes | |
CEE 5604 | Traffic Characteristics and Flow | 3H, 3L, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5610 | Advanced Mechanics of Composite Materials | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5614 | Analysis of Air Transportation Systems | 3H, 3C | Spring | Yes | |
CEE 5624 | Transportation and Land Use | 3H, 3C | Spring | Yes | |
CEE 5640 | Highway Transportation Safety | 3H, 3C | Spring | Yes | |
CEE 5650 | Freight Operations and Planning | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5654 | Critical Issues in Transportation | 3H, 3C ONLINE | Spring | Yes | |
CEE 5664 | Advanced Concrete Materials | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 5694 | Traffic signal system operation and control | 3H, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5704 | Drinking Water and Health | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5714 | Surface Water Quality Modeling | 2H, 2L, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5724 | Environmental Monitoring and Sampling | 3H, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5734 | Urban Hydrology and Stormwater Management | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5744 | Topics in Structural Steel Design | 3H, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5764 | Asphalt Technology | 2H, 3L, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5784 | Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure | 3H, 3C | | Yes | |
CEE 5794 | Environmental Engineering Principles | 3H, 3C | Fall | Yes | |
CEE 5804 | Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Public Policy | 3H, 3C | Fall | Yes | |
CEE 5814 | Structure-Sediment Interaction in the Coastal Zone | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5844 | Wave Mechanics | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5854G | Advanced Coastal Engineering | 3H, 3C | Spring | No | |
CEE 5864 | Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5874 | Coastal and Marine Geotechnics | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5884 | Legal Aspects of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 5974 | Independent Study | Variable credit course. | Fall, Spring | No | |
CEE 5994 | Research and Thesis | Variable credit course. | Fall | No | |
CEE 6104 | Advanced Environmental Chemistry | 2H, 2C | | No | |
CEE 6114 | Advanced Topics in Air Quality Engineering | 1H, 1C (P/F Only) | | No | |
CEE 6414 | Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis for Solids and Structures | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 6424 | Advanced Prestressed Concrete | 3H, 3C | Fall | No | |
CEE 6434 | Advanced Steel Design | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 6504 | Theoretical Soil Mechanics | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 6514 | Dynamics Soil and Foundations | 3H, 3C | | No | |
CEE 6844 | Current Topics in Coastal Engineering | 3H, 3C | | No | |